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Four pillars of a happy life and health - Online Book

Four pillars of a happy life and health - Online Book

Bežná cena €13,80
Bežná cena €16,97 Zľavnená cena €13,80
Zľava Vypredané
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  • Online book (PDF)
  • 80 pages of reading
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Detailed contents of the book

Introduction Diet 2

Introduction Stress 2

Introduction Sleep 2

Introduction Concentration 2

About diet 3

Free radicals 5

Hormones 6

Practices to increase testosterone 6

Exercise and physical activity 6

Diet 7

Use of natural substances 7

Macronutrients 7

Carbohydrates (sugars) 9

Proteins 11

How are proteins produced in our cells? 12

The key to energy production in the cell CoA (coenzyme A) 13

Creatine 14

Micronutrients 15

The diet of the ancient Greeks and obtaining micronutrients 18

Modern Diet: Inspiration from the Ancient Greeks 18

Hydration 19

Water in the life of the ancient Greeks: Inspiration for the modern world of the 20th century

Life-giving essence 20

Beauty and care 21

Ancient Greeks - the skin is the basis of its beauty and health. Regular skin care using water 21

Health and treatment 21

For Workout 21

How do we lose weight or gain weight easily? 24

How to properly adjust your mind when losing weight or gaining weight 25

The mentality of the ancient Greeks and their approach to challenges: Inspiration for today 26

Courage and fearlessness 26

Ingenuity and creativity 26

Self-confidence and self-belief 26

Support and cooperation 26

Belief in fate and acceptance of challenges 27

Virtue and moral values ​​27

Competitiveness and motivation 27

Introduction about stress 27

Why is playing sports so important? 36

How to start meditation? 38

Psychological benefits: 39

Nature and stress 41

Time management 44

Types of time management 46

About concentration 49

Stimulants 49

Negative influences: 51

The issue of dopamine in the brain 53

Digital dementia 54

Coffee 55

Drinking regime 55

Physical activity 56

Diet 56

Setting goals - SMART goals 57

Procrastination 59

About sleep 61

How does falling asleep work? 62

Blue light 64

Eating habits before bed 65

Effects of caffeine on sleep: Chemical processes and time frame 66

Noise 67

Room temperature 67

Health problems 68

Taking certain medicines 70

Melatonin and its supplementation 70

REM sleep 71

NREM sleep 72

Sleep deficit 73

An ideal evening 74

What to eat as the last meal before bed? 75

Micronutrients for better sleep: 75

Examples of meals before sleep: 76

Ideal morning 76

What to have for breakfast? 77

What to do if you don't have breakfast: 77

How to have enough energy in the morning: 77

Micronutrients that will support energy: 78

Examples of energizing breakfasts: 78

Delivery information

After purchase, the book will automatically be sent to your email. If you have any problem with opening the file or with anything else, contact us by email: or on our Instagram @agile.vitality

Sources from where information from the book was drawn

In order to provide the highest quality and best information, we use PubMeb and the Mayo Clinic to verify information.

Vidieť všetky detaily

80% of Slovaks have a poor-quality diet

70% of Slovaks suffer from long-term stress

39% of Slovaks suffer from laziness and demotivation

62% of Slovaks suffer from poor quality sleep

We wrote this book to help people come back to reality and realize that in the fast pace of life, their body is the most important thing - whether from a psychological or physical point of view. At the same time, we created it to better understand how our body works.

  • Long-term stress decreased for more than half of the readers

  • 71% Readers' productivity, ability to concentrate and motivation increased

  • 80% of readers improved their sleep

  • 70% of readers improved their diet and understood why it is so important

This book was an eye opener and helped me really progress because it shows how our way of thinking affects every aspect of life. Even more difficult passages hide valuable treasures that are worth deeper reflection." - Patrícia Kollárová (22 years old)

Collapsible content

What are the individual chapters of our book about? 📕


Proper nutrition is the basis of our physical and mental well-being. We will explore how different foods affect our body and mind and learn how to create a balanced and healthy diet that will support our goals and increase our energy. We will learn how energy is created, what is that energy? We will talk about the detailed functions of macronutrients (sugars, fats, proteins) and micronutrients (minerals, vitamins,...)


Stress is an inevitable part of life, but we will learn how to manage it effectively and minimize its negative effects. We will go over techniques for relaxation, meditation and developing a positive mindset to help us stay calm in hectic times. We will talk about how stress arises, what are its roots from the past and why it is important, but in a chronic (long-term) time it is harmful


Quality sleep is the key to regeneration and optimal functioning. We will look at how to improve the quality of our sleep, create an ideal sleep pattern and why sleep is essential for our overall health.


Focus is the ability that allows us to achieve our goals and fulfill our potential. We will learn techniques to improve concentration, effective planning and how to create an environment that supports productivity. We will tell each other directly where the mistake is, how to be better and how we limit ourselves or how our own head limits us. We'll tell each other straight (in slightly more expressive language)

  • This book really opened my eyes and helped me move forward in life. It's not just about a healthy lifestyle, but a change in mindset that leads to deeper life changes. Some parts are more challenging, but those are the ones that offer the greatest personal enrichment. She helped me transform my routine into purposeful steps towards fulfillment.

  • I recommend it to everyone, even to those who until now thought that diet meant nothing. The most interesting for me was the end of the book, the third part, which seems more motivational (it's about concentration). Each chapter of the book would deserve a separate book. I feel that some topics deserve more time and therefore I appeal for the release of the second part, which will be more comprehensive :-)

FAQ - frequently asked questions

Do you receive complaints?

Yes, you have the right to claim within 30 days of purchase and the right to a 100% refund. If such a scenario occurs, then contact us via our email or Instagram 😊

How is this book different from other health publications?

The book combines four key areas of health—diet, stress, sleep, and focus—into one comprehensive approach. Many books only focus on one of these areas, but here you will get practical guidance on how to align these pillars for optimal results. At the same time, we cover some topics in great depth, so that you understand how our organism works.

What new will this book bring to me if I already have knowledge about a healthy lifestyle?

The book goes beyond basic concepts. It offers a deeper analysis of how diet, stress, sleep, and focus are interrelated, with an emphasis on practical applications and the latest scientific studies.

Are the latest scientific knowledge included in the book?

Yes, all chapters are supported by current studies and research. The most used resource is the "scientific" library PubMed.

How long does it take for me to see results after implementing the recommendations in the book?

Results vary by individual, but most readers report improvement within a few weeks of applying the basic principles. The book offers sustainable changes that bring long-term benefits.

  • This sample/page is from the Chapter on Diet and deals with the production of energy in our body from one point. The second part is about creatine, which form is best and how it works in our body.

  • After purchase, your purchased book will be sent to your gmail within 1 minute.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

Vyborne citanie, odporucam vsetkym. Je velmi dolezite uvedomit si, ako funguje naše telo a z časti psychika


Spočiatku sa mi kniha čítala ťažšie, pretože je složená zo 4 častí a v prvej je to ťahšie na pochopenie ak vás biologia nebaví alebo je vám všeobecne ťažká na pochopenie. Je správne, že autor sa snaží o vysvetlenie komplikovaných procesov jednoducho prítomné boli siahodlhé opisy pomocou starovekých grékov, čo prepája dejiny a vedu. Takisto mám pocit, že táto kniha mala lepší slovník ako jej prvá verzia a tým pádom môj zážitok z čítania nebol týmto pokazený... ak vás zaujíma zdravie a fungovanie telo, toto je dobrý začiatok!

P. Lukačevič

Zaujímavá kniha... uchvátila ma i keď som mala pochybnosti... není to kniha ako kniha, ale mix učebnice a zaujímavého zmýšľania. Nečakajte nič umelecké, ale realistické…

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